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  • 2021
  • INSIGHT - TMHA gets a bumper 2021 forklift apprentice intake

Insight- TMHA gets a bumper forklift apprentice intake

By Cameron Paxton, Vice President & Chief Operating Officer, Toyota Material Handling Australia

We at Toyota Material Handling Australia (TMHA) are proud to have inducted 9 apprentice forklift technicians in our 2021 Annual Apprentice Intake, a grassroots program fostering a solid skills support base for the future.

The new apprentices, accompanied by mentors from their respective TMHA branches, were inducted and received their tools of trade at TMHA's Sydney headquarters at the end of May.

We received an impressive 747 applications for apprenticeships from around the country.

This number of apprentice applicants was almost overwhelming and a great reflection on the confidence held by the community as Toyota Material Handling Australia being recognised as a strong, stable company and equally an employer of choice.

We view the Annual Apprentice Intake program as a foundation to provide the highest levels of product support and it’s a real investment in our future because today's apprentices are tomorrow's qualified and highly skilled technicians.

The apprentices also received presentations on Toyota values, company policies and expectations, safety procedures and Toyota history, and a tour of TMHA's extensive national headquarters.

The apprentices receive thorough and well-rounded training, with the benefit of skilled mentors providing supervision.

Our aim is to have each apprentice rotate through every aspect of our service business so they might be involved in a retail repair workshop or pre-delivery workshop, go to our parts department or spend some time in administration activities in the office.

The apprentices also spend time in field service, working on many of our corporate customer sites, where they may spend up to three months. They will also accompany a service technician in their van to different sites.

Ultimately, we give them varied, well-rounded and safe practical training, running in parallel with their TAFE Trade certificate activities.

We at TMHA also conduct an annual National Skills Contest which is open not-only to all technicians but also our apprentices, in order to measure and promoting all our service staff to be at the peak of industry standards.

We have been at the forefront of forklift technician training for much of the 50-plus years the TMHA has been selling forklifts in Australia.

We initiated the Annual Apprentice Intake program well-over a decade ago to help ensure we have a strong skills base to support our business, and a team of technicians ready to provide high-quality back-up for all our customers, thanks to one of the finest branch networks in Australia.

For more information on careers at TMHA please contact us on 1800 425 428.

(Note: due to Covid restrictions 2 apprentice technicians from Melbourne were unable to attend the Sydney induction on the 27th of May 2021).

TMHA has inducted a new group of technical apprentices pictured here with TMHA management team